Testing is done, now let the fun begin! Adults are free, children need a wristband. $10.00 ONSALE NOW! With the Wristband you will receive unlimited access to the bounce houses for the event (20 ft Dry Slide, Obstacle Coarse, Fun Water Slide, and Kiddie Fun Bounce), PLUS FREE Face Painting, FREE Balloon Art, FREE Temporary Tattoo, FREE DJ games with prizes to be won! There will also be Carnival Games & Prizes, Sand Art, Water Balloon fun, Food & Drinks, Icees, Bounces Houses and Giant Bowling! Food and Game tickets are 5 for $1.00! Also EVENT T-SHIRTS FOR SALE $5(with FREE Tie-Dying to make the shirt a FUN FRIDAY SHIRT)
The DJ will be playing fun music and challenging everyone to a game of Tug-O-War, Hot-"Beach Ball"-Potato, and Egg Races, Potato Sac Races all with great prizes to be won! We will also be playing Bingo under the BIG tent!
Here are some of the vendors & Sponsors: Disney, Butterfly World, Lighthouse Cove Resort, Boomers, Dairy Queen, Dream Dinners, Elite Force Martial Arts, PNC, Chick-Fil-A, Avon, After Hours Pediatrics, Mr. Icee Guy, Rock N’ Jump, plus much much more!
We have a BIG Raffle too! Check these amazing prizes out…… 4 Park Hopper Passes to Disney in Orlando, 3day/2night Stay-Cation at Light House Cove Resort in Pompano Beach, 2 Free passes to Butterfly World, plus many more fun themed baskets. Tickets on sale for $5.00
Please come out and join us, show support for your school and community and have a great time!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone! Tickets and wristbands will be available the day of the event, and for sale by Cresthaven PTA out front of the school from 1:15 to 2:15 each day until the event! Forms available in the school office or you can print one online at our website: http://cresthavenelem.ch2v.com